RO200 – RO300 - RO400
The RO200 – RO300 – RO400 reverse osmosis systems offer an advanced filtration and treatment solution, they are designed to produce respectively 200 – 300 – 400 litres/h of osmotic water
using components of Italian origin certified accord. The systems are made both in the in standard version and, based on customer needs, with pre-assembled and pre-tested modular elements.
The RO200 – RO300 – RO400 industrial reverse osmosis systems can be activated and monitored through a convenient electronic display, they can treat water destined to technical-industrial uses that requires specific chemical-physical parameters or water destined to human consumption where it is necessary to remove dissolved salts and contaminants in excess with respect to the limits allowed by law. Broad range of accessories and spare parts available.

RO200 – RO300 - RO400
Pre-treatment: 10” filtration group DUPLEX: first stage carbon cartridge, second stage cartridge with a degree of filtration of 5 micron
Pressurisation: vane brass rotational pump equipped with by-pass
Permeation: high productivity reverse osmosis permeators and low energy consumption
RO200: 2 membranes in 2 vessels; RO300: 3 membranes in 3 vessels; RO400: 4 membranes in 4 vessels
Vessels: PRFV, maximum operating pressure: 21 bar
Supply, high pressure and drain pipes: PVC PN16
Hydraulic control and command section
Available upon request UV light for the permeate, anti-scale dosing system
Atoxic materials, suitable for potable water
RO purification systems in the standard or customised models (OEM)