
Bienvenue dans la section « rejoignez-nous » du groupe Atlas Filtri !
Atlas Filtri offre des opportunités de carrière aux personnes intéressées par une carrière professionnelle dans le domaine de la filtration et du traitement de l'eau, souhaitant collaborer et développer leurs compétences au sein de l’entreprise.


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the processing of personal data IS carried out pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 “Personal data protection code” of which the following articles are contained here:

Pursuant to and consequent to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30th June 2003, N. 196, which covers personal data protection provisions, we would like to inform that the treatment of your data will be characterised according to principles of fairness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your confidentiality and your rights and will be finalised to carrying out legal, tax, fiscal, administrative, social security and insurance obligations necessary to execute the contract and sometimes for marketing activities, upon receiving consent according to art. 23 of Legislative Decree N. 196/2003.

With reference to article 13 of Legislative Decree N. 196/2003 We supply the following information:

1. Atlas Filtri will use supplied personal data with the only purpose of allowing the relationship between the parts to take place regularly.

2. The treatment will be digital, paper and electronic. The requested data will be recorded and kept in the Atlas Filtri archives, following the minimum safety requirements dictated by the technical regulations contained in Attachment B of Legislative Decree 196/03, within the foreseen limits allowed according to local legislation for legitimate commercial reasons

3. Atlas Filtri may request personal data of user (name, postal code and e-mail address), mandatory in order to be able to supply the requested performance and services; refusing to provide such data may result in the total or partial failure to execute the service supplied. It is possible to request them through an alternative way (address, Tax Identification and telephone number) in order to allow Atlas Filtri to maintain its internal archives updated and be able to supply communications and/or information on our activity. In the latter case, the failed communication will prevent the mere sending of such communications and/or information.

4. Atlas Filters collects, exports and uses personal information to manage its relationship with users and offer them a better service, by customising their experience and interaction. This collection is carried out with suitable warning and consent, besides having the necessary registration with the data protection authorities, where required. Atlas Filtri may collect personal information from the user in relation to: (i) product related orders, activations and registrations; (ii) creation and verification of user profiles for online services; (iii) requests for information or claims; (iv) registering for marketing activities, newsletters or support; (v) work requests; (vi) registering for contests or participating in surveys.   

5. Atlas Filtri does not sell, transfer or cede personal user information to third parties with the exception of what has already been indicated in this Declaration. Atlas Filtri may transfer general personal user information to other companies part of the Group both in the United States and throughout the rest of the world, upon receiving consent from the user involved, according to art. 43 of Legislative Decree N. 196/2003. Using the Atlas Filtri Websites, registering an account or for a service or however supplying Atlas Filtri personal information, provides authorisation to transfer their personal information throughout the entire global Group network. 

With the exception of what has been described in this Declaration, Atlas Filtri undertakes to not share personal information received from the user to third parties without user permission, if not to: (i) respond to legitimate requests on the part of the police or public entities; (ii) respecting laws, regulations, subpoenas or decrees by judicial authorities; (iii) investigating and assisting in the prevention of safety threats, fraud or other damaging activities: (iv) applying/protecting the rights and property of Atlas Filtri or its subsidiaries; (v) protecting the rights or personal safety of Atlas Filtri, our employees and third parties that use Atlas Filtri properties, if authorised and in line with requirements of the related legislation.

6. We would like to inform you that personal data suitable to detect racial and ethic origin, religious, philosophic or any other convictions, political opinions, membership of party, trade union, association o religious, philosophic, political or trade union association, as well as personal data used to understand health status and sexual life is sensitive data. This data, along with judicial data, supplied spontaneously, will not be used unless a previous written consent is given.

7. The data controller is the Atlas Filtri S.r.l. company with headquarters in via Pierobon 32, 35010 Limena (PD), Italy, in the person of the legal representative Mr. Giovanni Costantini.

8. Data treatment takes place at our headquarters as well as at the seat of other subjects appointed by us, who may receive the above mentioned data for the indicated purpose, as well as for further compliance resulting from local legislation in the Country seat of the treatment.

9. At any time it will be possible to excercise your rights with regards to the data controller, according to art. 7 of the Privacy code (already art. 13 of law N. 675/1996), in particular it is possible to request information regarding the existence of data treatment that may be related to you: to obtain communication without delay in an intelligible form of the same data, its origin, its deletion, the transformation to anonymous form or blocking data treated in violation of the law; updating, correcting as well as integration of data; declaration that the previously mentioned operations were shared with those whose data was communicated, with the exception of when compliance is impossible or requires a use of means that is clearly not proportional to the safeguarded right; to totally or partially oppose the treatment of the related personal data for legitimate reasons even though pertinent to the purpose of the collection. In order to exercise the above mentioned rights, the user may write to the following email , specifying the request. The person in charge of receiving requests according to article 7 of the Privacy code is our Legal Officer Stefano Renier.

10. Technical cookies: they are not used for purposes other than those listed below and are directly installed by the web site manager. The use of session and functionality cookies is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary for the safe and efficient exploration of the site (allowing, for example, to make a purchase, authenticate yourself to access reserved areas, set the site in a certain language). The session and functionality cookies used on this site avoid the need to use other computerised techniques that are potentially detrimental to user browsing confidentiality and do not allow acquiring user personal information.

The prior approval of users is not required to install these cookies, while the obligation remains to provide this information.

11. Profiling and analytical third party cookies: they create user profiles and are used to send on-line advertising messages with the preferences expressed by the same within network navigation. The website uses:

  • Google Analytics, service that generates third party analytical cookies used to collect information on the number of visiting users and how they visit the site. This information is used in terms of continuous improvement of functionalities, content organisation, support for different platforms and user experience;
  • Google Tag Manager, tag management system that allows you to update the tags and code snippets, such as those intended for traffic analysis or marketing optimisation;
  • Google AdWords, Google’s advertising platform that allows the publication of text ads, images and videos on the search results pages and on the Google content network sites;
  • Google Font, font management platform;
  • Youtube / Vimeo embedded video: system for viewing Youtube and Vimeo videos without leaving the Atlas Filtri website;
  • Google Recaptcha: system to prevent unauthorised accesses to the users’ accounts;
  • Google Maps: map system for displaying the position of the Atlas Filtri offices and calculate the journey.
  • The European and Italian legislation requires the user to be properly informed on using the third party profiling and analytical cookies and thus express their valid consent. To this end, this site provides appropriate initial banner with automatic provision of consent by a user’s active intervention (selection of an element in the page below the banner itself), and complete information with the possibility for the user to give or refuse consent to all or some of these cookies. If the user refuses consent to third party profiling and analytical cookies, it will not be possible for him/her to receive customised advertising information and some widgets may not work at all or in part.

    Below is the link to the and information to which we refer the visitor wishing to understand how the third party manager uses the data obtained through cookies.


    12. E-mail messages from Atlas Filtri may use links to bring the user to a relevant area of the Web, after re-routing though an Atlas Filtri server. The re-routing system allows Atlas to change the URL destination of the link, if necessary, and determine the effectiveness of our marketing systems.

    13. It is also possible for Atlas Filtri to use social media functionalities that allow users to share information on Atlas Filtri with their own social network and interacting with Atlas on different social media sites. The use of these functionalities by the user may result in the collection or sharing of information related to the user, based on functionality. Atlas Filtri encourages the user to examine the privacy information and settings for social media sites he interacts with in order to understand what information may be collected, used and shared by these sites.

    14. We recall the possibility for the user to express their options regarding the use of cookies by the website, even through the browser settings. If you want to delete the cookies already on your computer or block reception by default, read the instructions of your browser by clicking on “Help” on the menu.

    We also report a list with more detailed information for disabling cookies in relation to the main browsers on the web: .

    Internet Explorer, Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Apple Safari,Opera

    15. For additional information regarding your privacy rights, we invite you to visit the privacy Authority site at the following address .

    16. User opinions are very important to us. If you have any comments or questions regarding this Declaration, write us at the following address
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